Pequeñas fichas con definiciones básicas. En una cara de la ficha aparece la palabra y por detrás la definición.
"ThatQuiz is a free online resource for math practice and testing. It was written in the summer of 2004 and later expanded according to teacher needs and requests. The original goal was to provide easily accessible software for schools which were not fully utilizing the computers they had in their classrooms. The site has also become popular for students who want extra math practice at home. Although the first tests available were most suitable for elementary school students, new areas have been added for higher grades: algebra, angles, triangles, probability and geometry."
Middle and high school.
La página de la bbc tiene un canal para colegios y material clasificado por materias. Aquí está la dirección donde encontrar material para todos los temas:. Las animaciones se pueden subtitular y vienen habladas en inglés. (A veces no se entiende bien)